Academic Vocabulary Sublist 10 - Exercise 6

Academic Vocabulary Sublist 10 - Exercise 6

    colleague    albeit      integrity    panel       convince

1. As part of the job interview, you will be interviewed by a ____________ of people working in the department.

2. He has a reputation for ____________, and everyone trusts him completely.

3. My boyfriend is trying to ____________ me to get married, but I don't think that I'm ready.

4. I ran into an old ____________ at a conference, and we went out for a coffee after the workshop.

5. My parents have agreed, __________ with some conditions, to let me borrow their car for the holidays.


    reluctant          levy      enormous      undergo      notwithstanding

6. Canada is an _____________ country, the second largest in the world.

7. We continued our picnic, __________ the light rain.

8. She has been ___________ to get into a relationship with a guy ever since her last boyfriend dumped her.

9. The government decided to ____________ a new tax on luxury goods to generate additional revenue for public services.

10. During his recovery, he had to __________ several weeks of physical therapy to regain strength in his injured leg.


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1. panel

2. integrity

3. convince

4. colleague

5. albeit

6. enormous

7. notwithstanding

8. reluctant

9. levy

10. undergo