Academic Vocabulary Sublist 6 - Exercise 8

Academic Vocabulary Sublist 6 - Exercise 8

 rationalize excessively  unmotivated incorporate  accurately

1. The small town was __________d into the larger city last year, so now they share the same government and services.
2. He felt __________ to study for the test because he didn't think it would make a difference to his grade.
3. He tried to _______________ his cheating by suggesting that the test itself was difficult.
4. The weather app can ________ predict the temperature for the next few days.
5. Today's video games seem to me to be _______________ violent. 


trace authored  furthermore  intelligently furthermore 

6. When studying at school, it is essential to __________ between what information is important and what information is not.
7. Henry Ford once noted that failure is the opportunity to begin again more ____________.
8. The museum is free on Sundays; __________, it offers free guided tours in the afternoon.
9. She _________ a popular book about cooking that has helped many people learn new recipes.
10. The detective found _________s of paint on the suspect's clothes, which matched the crime scene.


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1- incorporated

2- unmotivated

3- rationalize

4- accurately

5- excessively

6- discriminate

7- intelligently

8- furthermore

9- authored

10- traces