18. Basic Academic Adjectives

1. Do you believe that individual rights are more important than the collective rights of society?

2. The government should take urgent legislative measures against illegal migrant trafficking

3. Gasoline has no specific freezing point; it freezes at any temperature between -180- and -240-degrees Fahrenheit.

4. The building suffered significant structural damage during the earthquake.

5. The power station should be fully functional by the end of the year.

6. If you set obtainable goals, you’ll feel motivated and be more likely to achieve them step by step.

7. Good communication is a fundamental skill in any job, as it helps build strong relationships and solve problems effectively.


a. __________ : reachable, accessible / elde edilebilir

b. __________ : crucial, essential / temel, asıl, esas

c. __________ : law-making / yasama ile ilgili

d. __________ : distinctive, personal, singular / kişisel, birey

e. __________ : particular, not general

f. ___________ : relating to the structure / yapısal

g. __________ : working, serviceable, operative / çalışır durumda


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a. obtainable

b. fundamental

c. legislative

d. individual

e. specific

f. structural

g. functional