03 Lectures For Note-Taking Practice

Sleep Deprivation


Please note that note-taking is not to write each and every sentence you hear. You should just pick up highlights and write as briefly as possible in the forms of words, expressions or phrases. As a first step, just try to catch important names, numbers, examples and basic definitions. It would be a good strategy to draw arrows or circles to highlight the main ideas and to organize your note-taking.


Pre-listening Activity

The words in bold print are from the lecture on sleep deprivation. Read the sentences and circle the best meaning of the boldfaced word.

1- Health problems can affect every aspect of your life. They can affect your level of happiness, your success in school or at work, and your relationships.

  1. effect
  2. trouble
  3. time 
  4. part 

2- Feeling tired in the morning is a consequence of going to bed late.

  1. result of an action
  2. reason for an action
  3. advantage of an action 

3- I can’t function if I don’t get enough sleep. I have trouble thinking the next day.

  1. relax
  2. work
  3. sleep
  4. react

4- Taking the sleeping pills had an immediate effect. I fell asleep in ten minutes.

  1. slow
  2. instant
  3. steady
  4. difficult

5- Staying up late last night had an impact on me today. I’ve been tired all day.

  1. problem
  2. source
  3. cause
  4. effect         

6- I injured myself when I fell down the stairs, and now my foot hurts when I walk.

  1. helped
  2. broke
  3. hurt
  4. slowed

7- There is a link between cigarette smoking and cancer.

  1. cost
  2. problem
  3. cause
  4. connection

8- Older people are more likely than other adults to have sleep problems.

  1. greater possibility
  2. with more trouble      
  3. greater difficulty
  4. less possibility

9- Fifty per cent of teenagers say they don’t sleep enough.

  1. many
  2. of each hundred
  3. a few
  4. not many

10- My father works the night shift, from 11:00 P.M. until 8:00 A.M., and sleeps during the day.

  1. day off
  2. work period
  3. vacation  
  4. break from work

11- Sleep deprivation is a serious problem; without enough rest, people become sick.

  1. too much of
  2. a good amount of
  3. a lack of 
  4. a lot of
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1- d

2- a

3- b

4- b

5- d

6- c

7- d

8- a

9- b

10- b

11- c

You are going to listen to a lecture about sleep deprivation. As you listen, write notes on a piece of paper. You may use the note-taking sheet to understand the outline of the lecture. 

Do not look at the Questions until the lecture has ended. Do not look at the Audio Script while you are taking notes. You may listen twice and then use your notes to choose the best answers, based on the lecture.

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The definition of Sleep Deprivation:


The causes of Sleep Deprivation: 


Immediate Effects:




Long-term Effects



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Use your notes to choose the best answers, based on the lecture.

1- Sleep deprivation is defined as _________________ hours of sleep each night.

  1. getting more than ten
  2. getting less than seven  
  3. getting seven to nine
  4. getting too many

2- ________________ of adults suffer from sleep deprivation.

  1. twenty-five percent
  2. fifty percent
  3. forty percent             
  4. ten percent

3- A good night’s sleep before a test helps students ____________________.

  1. write faster
  2. finish earlier      
  3. stay awake in class    
  4. remember new information

4- Doctors working thirty-hour shifts were _________ more likely to make mistakes.

  1. seven
  2. twenty
  3. ten
  4. fifty

5- Tired drivers cause ________________ of car accidents in the United States.

  1. 10 percent
  2. 20 percent
  3. 50 percent
  4. 60 percent

6- Micro-sleep is defined as a person falling asleep _______________.

  1. for several seconds
  2. while driving
  3. at night 
  4. in class

7- People who get less sleep are more likely to __________________.

  1. eat more
  2. drive more
  3. drink more coffee              
  4. drink more alcohol

8- Women who sleep less than five hours a night are 40 percent more likely to _______________.

  1. gain weight
  2. fall into micro-sleep
  3. have heart problems  
  4. have fewer children

9- We need more education about sleep deprivation because most people __________________.

  1. don’t realize it’s dangerous
  2. like staying up late
  3. think they get enough sleep
  4. sleep too much

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1- b

2- c

3- d

4- a

5- b

6- a

7- a

8- c

9- a